We did it! We have made it to a new month in the new year. Before we get further into the year, I want to explore common new year freelancers’ mistakes. Over the years, I have succumbed to, like many others, common new year freelancers’ mistakes. I do not want you to make the same mistakes. Thus, I share common new year freelancers’ mistakes and some simple ways to counteract each.

Mistake: Not reviewing the last year to improve the business strategy for the new year

Too often freelancers start the new year without a solid business strategy. A key part of the strategy process entails reviewing how we performed in the past. This enables us to identify things we did that were effective and those that were not. Who wants to keep making the same mistakes? No one does. So we need to put pen to paper and start working on our business strategies, click HERE to learn how. Once we are aware of our ineffective actions, we can better adjust our new year strategy to only continue to do the things that work.

Freelancers need to remain aware of what’s happening in our industries. People who work in creative industries, such as digital designs like logos, need to keep up with the trends. The rate at which technology-based advancement moves is so rapid that we have to find ways to keep up with the news. Some simple solutions include following industry professionals on social media, subscribing to their newsletters, and setting up google alerts.

Mistake: Not having an accountability partner

New Year’s resolutions and goals are usually not taken seriously because many forget them or give up on them soon after creating them. The same happens to so with many freelancers’ business strategies. Understandably, challenges come our way, especially the difficulty of breaking bad habits and the adjustment of making changes.

However, we must be disciplined and resilient as entrepreneurs, and accountability partners or mentors can help us. Instead of relying on our strengths, we should pull on the support, guidance, and push from successful business people who can help us scale to success. Go ahead and reach out to these individuals on LinkedIn, at business mixers, or via other business-social avenues.

I have shared some common mistakes freelancers make in the new year. However, there are many other mistakes that freelancers make. I hope that especially new and struggling freelancers are taking note of these errors and their simple resolutions. All the best in 2022.

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Consultant/Blogger/Freelancer/Trainer/Transcriber/Speaker/Web Designer. I am on a mission to travel around the world and help persons to become their best selves, by becoming freelancers.


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