A year has ended but a new one has begun. There is always something that we can learn from the past to have a better future. Over the years, I’ve learned valuable lessons. Now, I want to share a few vital lessons freelancers should learn from 2021. Some of these may not apply to you whilst others may apply, but I believe that assessing our past business operations will always reward us with beneficial lessons freelancers should learn from 2021 and all of our prior years in business. Let’s start exploring below five lessons freelancers should learn from 2021 to make 2022 even better.

Diversify Your Income Streams

One lesson that 2021 and 2020 taught all of us is the importance of diversifying our income. As freelancers, we must ensure that we are not relying on one income stream, what will we do if we no longer have that option. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, many found themselves in this position. As a result, people across the world were in a panic. This year, we should avoid making this mistake.

Capitalize on Passive and Online Earning Opportunities.

Before the onset of covid, many were clueless about the reliable and profitable online and passive income opportunities. Today, many are researching and testing out things like affiliate marketing, earning via Google AdSense, and online freelancing platforms like Fiverr. What are you waiting for? Hop on this train today!

Have a Business Plan

Too many of us are merely going with the flow. The problem with this is that the tides can take us anywhere, including failure. Having a business plan means looking for effective ways to market, improve and scale your business. Therefore, what are you doing to increase your earnings, get more clients, improve your workflow structure and manage your finances well?

Establish a Solid Support System

The saying that goes no man is an island, no man stands alone is very true. The reality is that we need a support system. We require trustworthy and reliable people to help us hold ourselves accountable, motivate us when our willpower is low, and provide us with the emotional and physical help we require. Covid has certainly shown us that this is true.

Additionally, we need to ensure that we are getting the help that we need if we are experiencing more ever mental health issues. There have always been mental health issues within our societies, but nowadays, we have found that there are more open conversations, public campaigns among other public efforts to provide persons with the help they need. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues please reach out for help.

Consistency is Key

I am constantly reminded that consistency separates okay freelancers from very successful freelancers. Whether this is demonstrated in sustaining great customer satisfaction, an effective marketing strategy, or the high quality of each completed job, consistency helps to scale a freelancing business to great heights. Therefore, as freelancers, we need to take the time out to assess our consistency in the areas that count. Wherever we identify things that we need to work on we should make them a priority for 2022 and beyond.

Each year, we have things that we consider our strengths and weaknesses as freelancers. It is our duty to assess our service and the way we operate our business so that we can work on becoming increasingly successful. I have identified 5 vital lessons that I either learned or was reminded of in 2021. I hope that these will help you to scale your business and become more successful in 2022. Good luck!

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Consultant/Blogger/Freelancer/Trainer/Transcriber/Speaker/Web Designer. I am on a mission to travel around the world and help persons to become their best selves, by becoming freelancers.


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