Working From Home And Time Management

One of the key aspects of working from home and earning online is managing your time. If your time is not managed properly, you will spend too much time doing things that won’t make you any money while working from home. Please bearing mind that you are staying at home and working online to make money, not to surf the net all day for no good reason or to spend half the day liking and commenting on posts that are not beneficial to you in any way.

Yes, you are free to surf the net and learn new things but there must be a limit to the amount of time allocated to doing a certain task when you’re at home. For instance, if you don’t manage your time properly, you will end up making $100US in 3 days when you could have done it in 1 day. You will end up spending too much time on one task while telling yourself you can do the other task tomorrow because you’ll be at home. Or you’ll spend all day surfing the net and putting off the more important task for tomorrow, just because you know you are free and can work anytime. Why do it like that? Why not do a little each day to make your life more comfortable? I live by the belief “do not put off what you can do today for tomorrow.” Remember tomorrow is not promised to us, therefore we must make an effort to accomplish something at the end of each day.

The best and only way to manage your time efficiently when working from home is by sitting down, getting a pen and a book at the beginning of each week and making a list of all the things you want to achieve each week. After which you will write down what you will have to do each day in order to ensure that your goal for the week is accomplished. It’s as simple as that. You will still get time to like and comment on a post. You will still get time to hang out with your friends, just that you’ll feel happier now because each day you are doing what you love and you are getting closer and closer to your goals. So if you love playing video games no problem, you can play away, as long as you have completed your goal for each day. You love watching the latest series, no problem, watch away, as long as your goal has been completed for the day.

So get that book and that pen and start writing. You can even give the book a name, such as Goal Setting or Weekly Success, anything that comes to mind. Name your book and make it personal. It’s your life and no one can live it better than you.

For other blog posts about making money online. Click Here.

For more info on managing your time working from home click here.


Consultant/Blogger/Freelancer/Trainer/Transcriber/Speaker/Web Designer. I am on a mission to travel around the world and help persons to become their best selves, by becoming freelancers.

1 Comment

Jody-Kay Ricketts-Brown · July 8, 2018 at 4:51 pm

Great post! This is true. On Wednesday I was working on a project that would be due today. I could’ve easily said okay, I’ll start Friday night and been flustered in order to finish. Instead, what I did, was to work on the project every night after work and I completed it one day earlier. So yes time management is key. Thanks for this post.

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